В Кремле объяснили стремительное вымирание россиян
Владимир Гамза: Russian Basel II adoption unlikely before 2010 Назад
Владимир Гамза: Russian Basel II adoption unlikely before 2010
Implementation of the new capital standard slowed by language
difficulties and inertia. Bankers" association takes leading role

Moscow bankers now believe that the new Basel capital standard, aimed at underpinning the solvency of banks around the world, is unlikely to be adopted in
Russia before 2010, according to Vladimir Gamza, who is leading the local banking
community"s strategy for implementing the new standard. This date is some two
or three years later than the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) had initially hoped,
he says, answering questions submitted by Global Risk Regulator.


Док. 427894
Перв. публик.: 22.02.07
Последн. ред.: 07.02.12
Число обращений: 282

  • Гамза Владимир Андреевич

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